Week 23: It’s a ..
I know I’ve said before that I have no preference over baby no. 2′s gender. I might secretly wish for anothee boy because the other day I was packing Nathan’s old clothes and had a little throwback moment. How did my baby grow so fast? Oh wait, milk and all. Haha.
I also think raising a girl is harder? Girls have to deal with dirty toilet seats more often than boys… so not looking forward to that. But of course each has its own difficulties. I’m just being dramatic. Blame it on crazy pregnancy hormones.
Yesterday we went to the obgyn. While waiting, N entertained us with his rendition of ABC song
He was very excited to see his baby sibling and was being very protective.
The baby’s heartbeat
And its growth
The baby is 20grams lighter than Nathan was at the same week. Shockingly I gained 3kgs this month! No wonder my belly grew from o to O this month.
Now for the big reveal…
Which wasn’t captured by Phodi… hahaha BUT if you’ve been through this, you’re very likely to guess the gender right.
Yes, we’re having a girl! Such a delightful news and it’s a reminder that God hears each of our request and petition. Back in late 2012 / early 2013, Phodi and I made a “masterplan”. We drew our dreams and expectations on a big piece of paper. We specifically wrote 2 kids; one of each gender. In 4 months we will be that family. God is so good indeed.
Please grow well baby girl. We love you so much. Hello pastel coloured clothes and all things pretty, flowery and lacy. Shopping wise, I promise I won’t go overboard. Hopefully…
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