Week 28: The awesome and the awkward

May 13, 2014 by

week 27

week 27


Baby boy is now 28 weeks old and I have experienced so much joy having this miracle growing inside me each day.

Here’s a list of the awkward & awesome moments (so far) during this pregnancy;



  1. Sitting down after a bathroom trip and realizing that you need to go again. Ugh!
  2. Being 27 weeks pregnant with a considerably showing bump, wearing fitted clothing and people were surprise to know that I’m pregnant. (Really? So you kinda thought that I have a very fat tummy then…)
  3. Being called “Bun” (from Bunda) by marketing / sales people. Especially when they say it like, “Bun, Bun, silahkan dicoba”
  4. and people call my baby “Dedek Bayi” or “Si Adik”. Please stop… this is not your dedek and definitely not my dedek. This is my child. Please refer my baby as “Bayi” or “Anak”.
  5. The priceless gestures of some people’s disbelief and unacceptance when I said that I had no morning sickness and all those. (Can’t you just be happy with me on this? Heheh)
  6. Just last week I had someone whom I just met said, “Oh, you’re still so skinny! But this is your 1st right… Let’s see your figure after you have your 2nd child.” (Gee.. best awkward moment ever!)



  1. Hearing our baby’s heartbeat for the first time at 7 weeks
  2. Feeling the baby’s movement everyday. Even more awesome when he’s responding to us as we talk / read to him.
  3. Having Phodi randomly greeting the baby, touching my belly and laying his head to hear the baby’s heartbeat.
  4. Seeing Phodi smiles each time he feels or sees the baby moving. It feels like we’re a complete family already!
  5. Not having a huge bump  that I can still fit into most of my pre-pregnant tops and shirts. (I know it’s still growing though)
  6. Being so blessed with good health for both of us that we could commute Bandung-Jakarta almost every week.
  7. Knowing that Phodi is also trying to learn about pregnancy and baby.
  8. Being able to finish a full rice portion of Nasi Padang and feeling just right afterwards. Nomnomnom.
  9. Feeling sexier thanks to my growing breasts ;)


As of today, this baby boy will stay in my tummy for 84 more days (according to my droid apps). Baby boy, please grow well inside mommy’s tummy and I’ll see you in August :)

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  1. Erika Sudirga

    The joy of pregnancy :) enjoy it while it lasts jess..

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