Week 25: Pregnancy yoga to the rescue
During our last doctor visit, he reminded me to start doing exercise. Ups, I’ve been slacking and resting too much and he knew it! Haha. Back in Melbourne, when I was staying down at the oh-so-awesome Degraves Street, I used to jog along Yarra River after work. My then housemate loved to tease me for being “healthy” but there were 2 main reasons why I went jogging then. 1: I found it relaxing, just running the stress out and breathing the fresh air along the river. Fantastic! 2: Sometimes Phodi would join me for a lap and we loved it. I especially loved it when he ran out of breath before I did But seriously, it’s kinda romantic to jog along the river and then take a rest while watching
the sun sets people passing by.
When I moved to South Yarra, I didn’t jog because the terrain in where I lived was so hilly and I almost died after I did my first run. For the first few months my only exercise was walking to and from station. So much for a healthy and active young blood. It wasn’t until mid-2012 that I pushed myself to splurge a bit and start doing pilates. I used to do body balance back in uni, and I found that pilates was so much fun. It certainly worked well for my scoliosis back and my post-dislocated right shoulder. Pilates is amazing as it doesn’t cause excessive sweat but it gives you result.
Then the time came when I moved to Bandung. The heat, the humidity and mainly the laziness of waking up early (we’re newlyweds!) dragged Phodi and I back to point 0 of our exercise routine. Phodi would swim and I would do pilates every now and then, but our main exercise was walking around shopping centres. And that, ladies and gents, was a bad idea because shopping malls in Bandung are small so we will never hit 10,000 steps.
Now, in my bid to deliver this baby boy naturally, I have pushed myself to exercise again. Clearly we always need at least a reason to do something and mine is to be strong and healthy to survive natural delivery. My choice of exercise? Yoga, because I have experienced in the past and mainly because there’s no excessive sweating included. In the past 3 weeks, I did pregnancy yoga 2 times a week and boy, my back has improved since then.
These days I experience stiff back almost every morning I wake up and doing pregnancy yoga helps me to stretch those stiff muscles. With the baby growing bigger and heavier, my mid back would feel the pressure if I lay flat. While if I lay on my right side, I would feel that my internal organs are all squeezed. Laying on the left side is always the most comfortable but obviously it’s bad for the spine to stay on one side for the whole night.
In the next few weeks I will keep doing this pregnancy yoga and try to wake up earlier (this is a huge challenge!) to start doing morning walk. Phodi honey, we need to basking in the morning sun!
Thanks for your information. I should try to remember your tips. Now I am 12 weeks pregnant. When I will reach in 25weeks. I should maintain this advise. Thank you again.
Hi there,
yup apparently staying active is the best way to get through pregnancy. All the best for you and your baby boy!