Week 13-16: Australia

Mar 7, 2014 by


Sunshine Coast

The last 4 weeks have been fantastic! This mama-to-be was so blessed with a good health and perfect weather in Australia. The main reason we were in the country was for my husband’s work. I didn’t want to be left alone for a month so I tagged along. My obgyn was happy with our last check up so he gave us the clearance to fly. As a recap, we travelled to Sunshine Coast (via Singapore and Brisbane) on February 1st and did some short trips during the month. I went to Melbourne on the 11th before my husband joined in on the 13th. Then on the 20th, my parents joined us and we went to Gold Coast and Brisbane.


At Movie World, Gold Coast. Time to unleash the child in us!

In between the travels, we had to sort and repack our boxes filled with stuff that were sent from Melbourne back in April 2013. Crazy thing! If you remember, early 2013 my husband (then fiance) got a new job and was relocated from Melbourne to Sunshine Coast, and later positioned in Bandung. Before our wedding in May, we packed our stuff and sent them off to the coast because we thought we would stay there after a 10 months project in Indonesia. As you know then, we ended up staying in Bandung and thus our boxes in the coast were left untouched until last month.

Looking back at the amount of energy spent to unpack, sort, sell/throw and repack, I am glad to have a strong and well behave unborn. My mom was so concern about this, and to be honest, I secretly was too! Especially at those early weeks when I couldn’t feel any movement or sign of the baby. Some nights I wondered if the baby was still growing and moving, all because I didn’t feel anything. Eventhough according to the Android app I have, baby’s movement in 1st pregnancy won’t be felt until week 18 or later, deep inside I was worried.


"Will I get one?"

One thing that comfort me was the sign of my growing tummy. Two of my pants didn’t fit afer a week and so I decided to buy a pair when I was in Melbourne. Surprisingly, this pants was so tight when I wore it during my return trip to Jakarta. That happened within a fortnight! Lucky that I always prefer to wear dresses than pants anyway so I packed quite a lot of them and they fit the Coast’s weather better too. So yes, growing tummy is one sign of a growing bub.


My ever favourite Koko Black's Ice Chocolate

So far, I haven’t felt like missing on anything fun or nice apart from the roller coasters fun that I have to skip on our trip to Gold Coast. But I have tried all the rides so I didn’t feel bad about not able to go. (Psst.. we went to Gold Coast because it’s on my dad’s bucket list. Lol). Also with the abudance of fresh seafood available in the Coast, I’m glad that mom actually pushed me to have more seafood especially prawns. Prawns and crabs are my favourite and they were extremely easy to find (and fresh!!) in the Coast. Yum yum!! I have to admit though, that I miss eating sashimi. Hmmm…


No, I didn't eat the oysters

And thanks to this well behave and eating machine baby, I could savour on every food on my list without issue. This continuously contributed to my growing tummy! Before going to Melbourne I made a list of food / restaurant that I wanted to eat. Most of them were my old favourite such as sichuan food, Menya’s gyu tan don, Laksa King’s loh mee, Thai Culinary’s kana moo grob, Koko Black’s ice chocolate, good slice of cake from La Petite Gateau, spicy bratwurst from Vic Mart, KFC’s wicked wings (haha!) and of course, coming back to our first date spot: Bistro Vue.


It was a funny feeling to come back at the exact spot where we first dated, now with an extra person in tow. We ended up choosing the same plats principaux (viande and poisson) but different entree (my favourite escargot this time!!). We never thought that one day we will be back there, especially not after we’ve left the city for good. God is good :)




My girls sans Evans and Sheryl

All in all, February was a good month. Catching up with my girl friends (how I miss them soooo much), enjoying fresh air every single day and feeling the sea breeze playing through my hair… how I’ll miss walking outdoor comfortably, just how zen and enjoyable it can be. I will surely be back with my little one!

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  1. I can feel it! | Jessica Neva - […] gained 4.5kgs in 19 weeks. Well done indeed. Hahaha. Actually the last 3,5kgs I gained during my month in …

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