Chicken Noodle Recipe

Mar 6, 2014 by

 bakmi ayam


Bakmi Ayam or Chicken Noodle is my dear husband’s favourite dish. He would happily eat chicken noodle anytime on any given day. Lucky him, my late grandpa from dad’s side was a noodle expert. By expert I mean he was in noodle making business. Of course then, by default my grandma became a noodle chef expert. Whenever we’re at her place, she makes sure that we’re not short of food and the fastest meal for her to cook is… noodle!

Imagine this, my husband who is very open about his love of noodle and I arrive at my grand’s. She’s obviously very happy to see us so she cooks us a meal. Lots and lots of yummy noodle.


making noodle at grandma

noodle making at grandma


This kind of noodle is somehow only common available in Indonesia – or Indonesian restaurants for that matter. I’m not sure why this is the case so can someone give a clue? Here in Indonesia, it’s very common to have noodle as breakfast or lunch. My family (and so many others that I know) have a habit of having noodle for lunch after church on Sunday. This was something that I used to miss back in Melbourne.

The recipe that I’m going to share is probably one of the simplest variations of chicken noodle. My husband prefers boiled/steamed chicken so I didn’t proceed to cook the chicken further after I boiled it to make broth. You could add champignon mushrooms to add more texture to the dish or if you’re like me and my brother, we love to have fried meatballs as our side. I have posted the “cheese-infused” version of the meatballs here.

Before I proceed to the recipe, I have to make a big shout out to my dear husband with whom I developed this dish. As an avid noodle eater, he was so excited to hear that we’re having homemade chicken noodle for dinner. Of course he wanted to make sure that this noodle is on par with his favourite.


bakmi ayam

Chicken Noodle

For broth / soup:
  • 400 grams chicken breast and thigh, on the bone
  • pepper
  • salt
  • a bunch of bok choy, roughly cut
  • 500 ml water
For onion oil seasoning:
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 stalks of spring onion, use only the white part, finely chopped
  • around 2 tablespoon oil to stir fry


For noodle seasoning:
  • 300 gram egg noodle
  • 3 bunch bok choy
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sweet soy sauce
  • a pinch of pepper
  1. Prepare the broth, simmer in low heat for an hour to two depending on the thickness of the chicken. Turn off heat and discard the vegetable after cooking.
  2. Ensure that the chicken is thoroughly cooked, take out and pat dry. Bone the chicken and cut meat into small pieces.
  3. For the onion oil seasoning, heat oil on low heat. Add spring onion and garlic and cook until brown. Turn off heat once they turn brown as the heat will continue to cook them.
  4. In your serving bowl, mix the noodle seasoning (soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil and sweet soy sauce) and the onion oil seasoning.
  5. Boil egg noodle in a big pot for 2-3 minutes. Avoid rookie mistake by not overfilling the pot with noodle. Like cooking pasta, use lots of water to boil the noodle.
  6. Take out noodle, set a portion into each of your serving bowl and mix well. Add chicken and bok choy to your liking. Garnish the dish with some finely chopped spring onion (the green part).
  7. Add some broth on the side and enjoy your meal!

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  1. ahaaaiii boleh nih dicontek buat mi ayam buat cemilan. sehat kan ya kaga pake yang aneh2 dan terlarang :D . tapi mesinnya mesin buat bikin kulit pisang molen, bisa kali ya?


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