The day I say “I will”
Today marks the day of the big “I will” that was said a year ago. I was on my way home after work and it was drizzling. My then boyfriend, now husband, insisted to pick me up at the station because I didn’t have an umbrella with me. Fine, I said, but I wanted to make a short detour to buy some eggs for cooking dinner. There was a little pause, a hesitation, but he agreed to it.
So there he was standing with my trusted black umbrella, all smile and happy. We walked to the green grocer across the street and then walked home. Along the way I told him about my ambitious cooking plan for a weekday dinner, a Szechuan banquet. He smiled and said that we should go out for dessert after dinner. I said that we should see if I still have some energy left after cooking 4 dishes. We walked hand in hand and this was what happened next
Duh…ternyata didunia nyata ada juga cerita romans seperti ini..bener-bener terharu dan semoga terus langgeng yach Jessy and Phodi..GBU…
wah tante.. jadi malu saya :3 doain ya tante supaya kita baik2 terus